Rainbow Weaving Lesson

Remembrance Day provides us all an opportunity to honor the lives, struggles and sacrifices made by those who serve and continue to protect our safety and security. One way you can show your thanks and appreciation for those brave souls serving is to create and display your own poppy. Doing this not only honors their memory but can contribute towards building peace between communities and nations alike.


One of the easiest and most creative ways to craft a poppy for Remembrance Day is with rainbow loom weaving technique, an ancient yet simple practice which anyone can do themselves at home. This tutorial will walk you through each step for making your very own breathtaking poppy with this ancient craft!


Arrange for all necessary supplies before beginning, starting with: rainbow-loom kit


Rainbow Loom Kit Loom bands (blue in the center and any color you desire for outside petals) – Loom Tool/Loom Scissors
and Round Bead (blue or your desired hue).


Once your supplies are assembled, begin crafting your poppy. Arrange the loom bands so the blue in the center is surrounded by other colors in an even circle, using your loom tool to easily weave these together. Next step? Add beads by cutting a small hole using small scissors in one of the rings in which your bead was secured by weaving bands around it; insert and secure with more bands! You should now have beautiful and unique poppy to show for all of your efforts!


Finally, connect the poppy to a wreath of remembrance by threading your loom band through it and tying a loop to secure its position around the wreath. Thread through your bead on each petal of your poppy before looping the entire thing around to complete this stunning tribute that honors those who have and continue to serve our country! You now have an impressive poppy that you can display proudly to honor their servicemen and women who continue their mission today.


Making poppies using rainbow loom weaving techniques is an insightful and thoughtful way to honor Remembrance Day. Not only can it serve to honor those who have sacrificed so much on our behalf, it is also therapeutic activity anyone can participate in – so let us all gather around and create our rainbow of poppies so as to show our thanks and appreciation for those who have given so much in service of humanity!



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