DIY Gift Box

DIY gift boxes offer an easy and cost-effective way to give someone special something extra. No matter if it is for small tokens of appreciation or larger presents, homemade gifts make an impressionful gesture that won’t disappoint the receiver!


To create your own DIY gift box, a few basic supplies will be necessary. Paper or cardstock for box walls is necessary as is an adhesive as well as ribbon as decorative elements. Furthermore, either a box template or ruler and pencil may come in handy in helping with creating something of your own design.


Start by measuring out your box walls to the size and dimensions you prefer, taking into account both the gift you will place inside as well as how thick its walls should be. Leave room for expansion when glueing the pieces together – one to keep for future gluing activities!


Once all your pieces have been cut out, use adhesive to secure the walls together – you may require staples or clips as temporary measures while it dries – then decorate and customize your box as soon as it is secure!


DIY gift box decorations offer endless opportunities. Add patterns or photos directly onto the surface, decorate corners with ribbon, add shimmery accents or glittery accents… the options for customization are truly limitless! For an original present, print out photos to incorporate as part of the decoration design!


Make a simple lid from one sheet of paper or use multiple pieces and ribbon to create an elaborate design.

Leave room for the lid when decorating your box, placing your gift at its center before adding some tissue paper and other decorations – ready for gift giving occasions like weddings, birthdays or holidays when giving something truly unique is a priority! DIY gift boxes make fantastic presents.


DIY gift boxes can make any recipient feel special. By customizing it yourself, creating one shows that thought and effort went into their present – which makes the experience all the more gratifying for all involved!



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